The growth potential of the market of halal products in Russia is up to 15−20% per year, taking into account the international trends and capabilities of Russian industry. This information was provided by the International Independent Institute of Agricultural Policy (IIIAP).

“Judging from the capabilities of the halal industry in Russia and the international trends showing, among other things, an increase in the consumption of halal products by the representatives of other religious denominations, in the next 10 years, the capacity of Russian halal market in the food segment may reach 600−700 bln roubles”, Elena Skrynnik, Head of IIIAP and Former Minister of Agriculture of Russia said in an interview with “Interfax”.

She also explained that the demand for environmentally friendly foods was growing worldwide, and that most consumers considered the halal standards as a guarantee for the high quality, safety and environmental friendliness of food products. For this reason, Russian manufacturers must aim at taking leading positions in the international market.

According to Thompson Reuters, the share of halal foods in the world market was 17% in 2015—2016. By 2020, the volume of the world halal food market may grow to $1.6 trn and exceed 20% of the entire food market. Since 2015, Russian manufacturers increased the export of halal products to Iran, UAE, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and since this year, they began exporting to Tanzania and Morocco.

According to Aydar Gazizov, Director General of the International Centre of Standardization and Certification “Halal”, over the last years, Russia saw a 15% growth of the consumption of products certified according to halal standards. “The crisis in 2014 helped us. The dramatic fall of the rouble exchange rate led to export of our production by taking into account our accreditation. Last year, the sales of halal products were 15,000 t. This year, we would like to finish the year with 20,000 t”, Gazizov said.

More than 200 companies in Russia were voluntarily certified according to the halal standards. Russian manufacturers of products approved for consumption by Muslims include Agroindustrial Holding “Miratorg”, Corporate Group “Cherkizovo”, Group of Agricultural Companies “Resource”, Corporate Group “Damate”, “SAFA”, the poultry factories “Chelny-Broiler” and “Elinar Broiler”, and others.

Source: www.meatinfo.ru