Leningrad Region will Increase Chicken Production by 10,000 Tons per Year

“Severnaya” poultry plant will open six new poultry houses in Kirov district of Leningrad region. The chicken meat production will increase by 4% or 10,000 tons per year.

The Committee on Agriculture and Fishery of Leningrad region and “Severnaya” poultry plant signed an agreement on further development of poultry farming in the region at the agricultural exhibition “Agrorus”. The report indicates that 1.2 billion rubles are invested in the construction of the six new poultry houses.

The agreement involves the construction of new poultry houses for raising broilers with the capacity of 700,000 birds in Kirov district of Leningrad region. This will lead to the increase in the production volume in the region by 10,000 tons per year. The committee noted that last year, poultry production in Leningrad region increased by 4.5%, while the launch of the new poultry houses will increase the production by another 4%.

Together with OOO “ROST Aquaculture” they will also establish a trout fish farm in the region with the capacity of 2.5 thousand tons of fish per year. The investments in the project will amount to 359 million rubles. Moreover, several new processing plants will be launched in the region: a dry-cured sausage production plant (together with OOO “Pit-Product”), a full-cycle production complex (together with the meat processing plant ”Norilsky”), and a modernized plant for milk processing and production of sour-milk products OOO “Molochnaya Kultura”.
At the exhibition, the committee signed 17 agreements with producers of agricultural products for a total amount of 12.5 billion rubles.

Source: www.sfera.fm