Two new applications are available for the MeatMaster II X-ray fat analyser, one for automatic sorting of pork bellies and the other for in-line fat testing after the grinder. Both give meat producers new opportunities to obtain unique levels of accuracy for fat analysis and the best possible yield from the production process.
X-ray better than human eye
For producing pork bellies, the X-ray technology of the MeatMaster measures the fat content, weight and the dimensions of the belly. This gives an objective measurement of the average length, width and thickness of the pork bellies that is more consistent than the traditional assessment by human eye, leading to improved sorting and higher value output worth around three USD cents/lb. (app. 4―5 EU cents/kg).
Scanning up to 50 pork bellies per minute, the MeatMaster II forms the heart of a highly effective sorting solution. The data from the MeatMaster scan is used to control a drop-down system for pre-defined sorting classes. The sorting function is based on a FOSS developed software solution. Additionally, each pork belly is simultaneously scanned for foreign objects such as bone fragments to help improve product quality and to protect expensive slicing machinery.
After grinder X-ray
The new MeatMaster II AG is a dedicated solution for measuring the fat content of ground meat ‘in-line’ as it is transported from the grinder to the mixer.
Using MeatMaster II AG ensures 100% X-ray fat analysis of the entire batch. Experience from users in the field has shown that an industry leading accuracy of 0.5% can be achieved on a batch level. This allows pre-defined fat content targets to be met more closely for improved profit and end-product consistency.
In comparison, alternative in-line applications based on near infrared (NIR) technologies only measure the surface of the meat resulting in only a small share of the meat being measured. Plus, the X-ray technology measures both fresh and frozen meat on the fly, whereas NIR systems require calibration change/management to cope with the varying nature of the meat, which may reduce the production efficiency.
The new after grinder option adds to a raft of proven applications for the MeatMaster including loose meat, meat in cartons, frozen meat, frozen whole meat blocks, whole pork bellies and hams. Weight and foreign object detection is an element of all measurements.