The high-speed depositing system of TREIF`s industrial slicer DIVIDER 880 that allows continuous slicing of products like ham, sausage or salami was awarded with first prize in the SUCCESS innovation competition. The Department of Trade and Industry of Rhineland-Palatinate and the ISB (Investment and Economic Development Bank of theRead More →

Since the founding of METALQUIMIA in the year 1971, our company has always aspired to transform the way the world processes meat. First there were the hydraulic spray injectors and the “cook in” technologies which, combined with the computerized gentle/energetic massaging reactors and the first whole-muscle stuffers, enabled meat processorsRead More →

  Based on close partnership, tray manufacturer Bachmann Forming, film manufacturer Sealed Air and packaging equipment manufacturer SEALPAC were able to develop a modern packaging solution that helped the seafood grill range of Micarna SA in Switzerland to success. We spoke with Marc-Andre Bourdilloud, Head of Seafood West at Micarna,Read More →

  At Indagra in Bucharest, October 31 – November 3, 2013 and Meatmania in Sofia, November 7—10, 2013 MaschinenfabrikSeydelmann KG from Germany will be exhibiting several of its high efficiency machines for food processing. Seydelmann Cutters, Grindes, Mixers and Emulsifiers convince with their constant first-class performance and help produce highestRead More →

  Seydelmann machines are eminently suitable for producing high quality products, including hamburgers, chicken nuggets, emulsified products, and much more. During the IPPE, visitors of the REISER booth 5161 in hall B can see live demonstrations of various high-performance Seydelmann machines. The innovative Mixer-Grinder MRV 2500 is designed specifically forRead More →

Three auctions for the fish, meat and vegetable industry are already in the agenda of online auctioneer Industrial Auctions. 30 January: Petfood and meatprocessing machines at former meatprocessor Beusmeat in Tijnje (NL) Monday the 27th and Tuesday the 28th of January it is possible to see 200 machines at theRead More →

  Khamisa Enterprises, owners of the Zabiha slaughter and meat processing farm, recentlyopened a state-of-art meat processing facility for the production of Premium Quality Halal Meat, realized by MPS meat processing systems. The complex consists of a slaughterhouse with cooling facility and a cutting-deboning-packing operation, located under one roof. ShipmentRead More →

  Ishida Europe has launched a smart, easy-to-use solution for a wide range of meat, fish and poultry batching and grading applications. The new Ishida FLEX-Grader uses Ishida’s proven high performance weighing technology to provide a high speed operation with excellent accuracy that is able to grade product to aRead More →

  Food marketing is always on the lookout for innovative production and packaging technologies. Handtmann ConPro technology provides the possibility to position new product ideas. In addition to the leading technology and the opportunities for product design, the unique aspect of the Handtmann ConPro system is its diverse range ofRead More →