Each month, Industrial Auctions organises a diverse number of auctions throughout Europe. The online auctions are focused on machinery, inventory and goods from companies active within the food and beverage industry. Large internationals, such as Nestlé Food Groop, FrieslandCampina, Refresco, and Froneri but also smaller, more regional, companies belong to the contractors of Industrial Auctions.

Each auction is unique and gets the special attention it requires. Firstly, a contract is composed with all important details for both Industrial Auctions and the contractor. After this, specialized project leaders of Industrial Auctions will take clear pictures of all the goods to be auctioned and present them online with a detailed description. During an average period of three weeks, the goods will be presented at www.Industrial-Auctions.com, published in international marketing campaigns and supported by the marketing team of Industrial Auctions. Before the closure of an auction the machines can be inspected by the clients themselves during the organised viewing days.

The third month of the year is already here and holds a unique offer. At the 16th of March, the online auction machinery for the food industry in Bauskas Novads (LV) is closing. This auction has been online since the 23rd of February and holds machines, such as cutters, injectors, vacuum machines, combi steamers, mixers, tumblers, cooking vessels and many more.
If this auction didn’t hold what you are looking for, two days later, at the 18th of March is the closure of the online auction with machinery for the food industry on former location Geertsen Vlees in Tegelen (NL). Even though the offer is too broad to cover everything, here can be thought of thermoformers, injectors, metal detectors, packaging machinery, injectors, vacuum machines and many others.
Many of the auctioned machines are from high quality brands like Mado, Rühle, Lima, Henkovac, CFS, Tecnovac, G. Mondini and many others. Depending on what you are looking for, Industrial Auctions is there to assist you along your search.
Interested in the auctions and what else the company can do for you? Feel free to take a look at www.Industrial-Auctions.com and get in contact.