In sausage production, many factors play an important role – from hygiene to productivity. The TT1815 is an automatic double clipper which easily meets all requirements and offers high flexibility thanks to its wide caliber range. Thanks to its modern double clipping mechanism, the compact TT1815 (formerly Swipper 18/15) closesRead More →

Meyn is proud to announce to have received a new order for a 9,000 birds per hour line from GAP Resource. This new line, to be installed in Blagodarny, is the 4th high speed line that GAP Resource will be operating and all of them have been delivered by Meyn.Read More →

Компания Meyn с гордостью сообщила о получении нового заказа на линию по преработке 9000 шт. бройлеров в час от фирмы GAP Resource. Эта новая линия, для установки в г. Благодарный является 4-х высокоскоростным конвейером, на котором будет работать GAP Resource, и что Meyn является их главным поставщиком. Отношения Meyn сRead More →

The worldwide demand for automatic production lines for minced meat is rising considerably. The main advantages are the reduction of production costs, better standardization, easier traceability and an overall increased product quality. A typical production line for minced meat consists of an angle grinder for frozen meat blocks and freshRead More →

“The ability to quality grade and weigh a product accurately is an essential precondition for ensuring that the best and most profitable use is made of it.” In recent years line speeds have increased along with the requirement for ever more accurate weighing for sizing, batching and yield control. Give-away,Read More →

LIMA has developed several models and among them new RM 900 DSP deboner allowing very important reduction of the calcium level in the separated PORK meat while keeping an optimum yield. The result is a well-structured recovered meat with technological performances similar to minced meat. This model can process upRead More →

A French seafood packer has installed an Ishida X-ray inspection system to monitor frozen scallops before they enter the packing process. Aside from its contribution to quality control, the new system is seen as an important marketing tool because of the reassurance it provides to customers.     Packopale, basedRead More →

Foodmate’s new OPTI-LTD Dark Meat Deboning System is a flexible, total dark meat deboning solution that produces high-yield, superior quality meat efficiently and cost effectively. Capable of deboning 100 skinless or skin-on anatomical whole legs, thighs and drumsticks per minute. The system is able to handle both products without changingRead More →

  KARL SCHNELL introduces the latest generation of its Vacuum Filler P10 SE Type 588 to process all kinds of paste-like materials.   Vacuum filling machines of the KARL SCHNELL company have always been the technical forerunner in the area of the industrial filling technology. This applies also to theRead More →

  The high-speed depositing system of TREIF`s industrial slicer DIVIDER 880 that allows continuous slicing of products like ham, sausage or salami was awarded with first prize in the SUCCESS innovation competition. The Department of Trade and Industry of Rhineland-Palatinate and the ISB (Investment and Economic Development Bank of theRead More →